Online Application Fee Payments

This web page can only be used to pay an application fee to Durham University.

To pay your application fee, we will need you to provide your Banner ID number and either the email address, which you have already provided to the University or your date of birth.

Your Banner ID number is the last nine digits of your Application Reference, which you can find listed by your application in your Applicant Portal Home ยท Application Portal (

Please enter the email address you provided to the University
as part of the application process.

  • (In the format DD-MM-YYYY e.g 17-06-1985)
  • Please click the purple ribbon to toggle between month and year.

If you have not provided us with an email address, please
enter your date of birth here.

Please check your information for errors and try again. If you continue to experience problems, please contact us using the Comments and Questions.