Trevelyan Academic Gown (New) with TREVELYAN BURSARY 2024
Gowns are required for matriculation and worn during formals. If you are eligible for the Trevelyan Bursary, please do not pay the JCR for an academic gown. You should instead complete this form to receive a new academic gown free of charge as part of the bursary scheme.
When you reach the payment section, select "Internal Trading" and use the details below to complete the form without charge:
Finance Contact Name: Trevelyan Finance Office
Finance Contract Email Address:
Cost Centre: Trevelyan Bursary
Name of Budget Officer who has approved this amount: Susan Noble
Email address of Budget Officer who has approved this spend:
Bursary information and T&Cs can be found here: College Funding - Durham University

Amount: £60.00