Hatfield College - Induction Week Wristband 2023 (Undergraduates Only)

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Hatfield College
Hatfield College Freshers' Week Organised Activities

Get your Freshers' Week wristband here!  Hatfield Freps (Freshers’ reps) have organised a varied programme of optional events to welcome new students to the College and to Durham in addition to College-led activities which are compulsory for all students. The cost of the wristband helps contribute to the cost of these events, which are subsidised by the JCR. If you purchase a wristband you will be able to participate in all of the JCR-organised activities along with all of our other freshers.  Freshers' Week events include our welcome party, a neon party, movie nights, a paint-along, six club nights, and a masquerade drinks' reception.  There are many more activities included - take a look at the JCR social media for more information.  The cost of the wristband also includes some exclusive stash, including a Hatfield Freshers' 2023 T-shirt!

Hatfield College - Induction Week Wristband 2023 (Undergraduates Only)

Amount: £30.00


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