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Cercles Conference Focus Group: Language Testing & Assessment - 2024

There are 14 places available on this course.
2024 Cercles Conference Focus Group: Language Testing & Assessment is one of our 2024 Conferences courses.

Course Fee

£ 0.00

Course Description

The CercleS Focus Group on “Language Testing & Assessment” will meet to discuss current issues on testing and assessment that have come up over the past few years. For our workshop we will use the world café format and work in groups on the following three aspects:

    • the impact of the CEFR CV’s action-oriented approach on university language testing and assessment
    • the impact of pandemic on university language testing and assessment
    • the impact of AI on university language testing and assessment

Course Schedule

Location Teaching and Learning Centre
Start Date 12-09-2024
Number of Sessions 1
Sessions Occur One Day
Teaching and Learning Centre
One Day