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CercleS Conference Focus Group: CLIL/EMI in Higher Education - 2024

There are 33 places available on this course.
2024 CercleS Conference Focus Group: CLIL/EMI in Higher Education is one of our 2024 Conferences courses.

Course Fee

£ 0.00

Course Description

CercleS Focus Group Meeting: CLIL/EMI in Higher Education


I Introduction 9.30-10.00


  1. Welcome
  2. FG Participants’ introduction and ice-breaking activities:


II Background 10.00-10.30


  1. Focus Group – mission and vision – Activity report June 2023 – September 2024
  2. EMI vs. CLIL
  3. EMI experience at PUT 
  4. :…………………………..Break (10.30-10.45)……………………………….


III Groupwork 10.45-11.30


  1. CLIL/EMI teaching and problems encountered
  2. SWOT analysis: CLIL/EMI for teachers and students
  3. Controversial issues on EMI
  4. Factors affecting effective CLIL/EMI – dos and don’ts
  5. Outcomes of groupwork


IV Summary and conclusions 11.30-12.00


  1. Questionnaire prepared by the FG coordinates – a discussion
  2. Reflections for the future




Course Schedule

Location Teaching and Learning Centre
Start Date 12-09-2024
Number of Sessions 1
Sessions Occur Thursday 09:30 - 12:00 (UK Time)
Teaching and Learning Centre
Thursday 09:30 - 12:00 (UK Time)
Course booking closed