The 47th Battle Conference on Anglo-Norman Studies

calendar14:00 Friday, 19 July 2024 to 13:00 Monday, 22 July 2024
The 47th Battle Conference on Anglo-Norman Studies will be held between Friday 19 July and Monday 22 July 2024. The Allen Brown Memorial Lecture will be held in the Pemberton Building on Palace Green and Friday’s reception and dinner at Hatfield College nearby. The remainder of the conference will take place at Collingwood College.

The speakers will be:

Graham Loud, 'Peter the Deacon of Montecassino: a twelfth-century forger and fantasist re-assessed' (Allen Brown Memorial Lecture);

Richard Allen, ‘“Qui scripsit hanc cartam”: Charters and their Scribes through the Archives of Magdalen College, Oxford (c.1100–c.1300)’;

Daniel Armstrong, 'Lanfranc, Clement III, and the Crisis of 1088';

Janet Burton,Towards a New History of the Augustinian Canons and Canonesses: Britain and Normandy, c. 1100 to 1215’

Brian Golding, 'Eudo Dapifer and the foundation historiesof Colchester abbey';
Nicholas Karn, ‘The evolution of forgery across the twelfth century: strategy, expertise and the changing role of the laity’;

Alex Langlands, ‘Old Sarum: The Rise and Fall of an Anglo-Norman Centre of Power in Southern England’;

Levi Roach, ‘Baldwin of Bury and the English Charter Tradition’;

Elaine Treharne, 'The proof in writing in medieval England';

The Chibnall Prize Winner, Title to be confirmed after prize awarded.

There will be an opportunity to visit the cathedral archives before the Allen Brown Memorial Lecture on the Friday. Places for the visit are limited, however, and a reservation is required.


There will be an opportunity for individual visits to the cathedral, castle, or city generally on the Saturday afternoon.


The conference fee is £298, which includes lunches and dinners as well as tea and coffee. (And please do remember to tell us if you have any dietary requirements, allergies, and so on.)


Accommodation is available at Collingwood College. The rooms are all single ensuites and cost £48.75 per night. If you want to book accommodation at Collingwood College, you will need to have registered by 19 June to guarantee a room.


The Allen Brown Memorial Trust is pleased to be able to offer some student bursaries to support the costs of attending the conference, including travel and accommodation. Students who would like to apply for a bursary should contact Caroline Palmer at <>.


Registration for the conference will close on 9 July 2024

The 47th Battle Conference on Anglo-Norman Studies
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