Submit an abstract
Current Events38th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM) - Abstract Submission
Please submit your abstract, in PDF form, created using the LaTeX template supplied on the conference web page. Please make sure that your submitted paper does not exceed four pages and that you have not used any additional style files which were not specified in the template. Please note that, following acceptance of the abstract, you will be invited to produce an extended version of this abstract. All extended abstracts will by default be invited to be published in the Online proceedings volume (to be published on the conference website and, with ISBN number but no DOI number).
Some selected contributions, including all oral presentations, will be invited to publish their extended abstract in a Springer Proceedings volume, as part of the Springer Series “Contributions to Statistics”. If you receive such an invitation, you do not need to accept it, but the decision needs to be made when the extended version of the abstract is submitted. Each extended abstract can only be published in exactly one of the two proceedings volumes.