Trevelyan College MCR Membership 2024

calendarTuesday, 27 August 2024 to Friday, 28 February 2025
Trevelyan College
Membership of Trevelyan College MCR

The MCR asks for a small contribution of £35, called the “MCR Due”, which helps us fund the events and activities we run as well as allowing us to buy new things for students to use. Paying this makes you a full member of the MCR and gives you access to all the MCR run events and activities, as well as many run by the JCR who we work closely with.The benefits of membership include:

·         Attending MCR events 

·         Being able to join any of the societies, musical groups, and sports teams in college

·         Reduced price college gym membership

·         Use of MCR owned equipment, eg. Board games, tv, wii, tea and coffee in college etc.

·         Attending and presenting at MCR research events

·         Participating in MCR Elections

·         Running for positions within the MCR exec

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