RENEWAL - University College SCR Membership 2024

calendarSaturday, 14 September 2024 to Friday, 28 February 2025
University College
2024/25 Castle SCR Membership - This membership is for current SCR members to renew membership.

Welcome Castle SCR membership

This membership form is for renewal of SCR membership and NOT for new members.

New expressions of interest for membership will be accepted later in Michaelmas term.

For members who have not previously been paying by Standing Order please select 'SCR Membership 2024/2025' membership option, on the payment screen please select 'Online Payment' option, complete the payment and your membership will be complete.

For member who are paying via a standing order please select 'SCR Membership 2024/2025' membership option, and select 'Internal Trade' option on the payment screen, on the Internal Trade Screen you will require the following information:

Finance Contact Name - Castle SCR Treasurer

Finance Contact Email -

Cost Centre - Castle SCR

Please confirm that a Budget Officer for this Cost Centre has approved this spend for this event. - Click Yes

Name of Budget Holder- SCR Treasurer

Email of Budget Holder -

This will result in payment not being required and the membership being activated. The membership checked then be checked with the SCR treasurer, if there is no previous standing order or your standing order is not recieved the SCR treasurer will be in contact.

If you are not a current member of the SCR your form will be deleted.

If you have any questions or queries about this form please contact

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