Hatfield College MCR Membership 2024

calendarTuesday, 27 August 2024 to Friday, 27 June 2025
Hatfield College
Middle Common Room Membership 2024

The Middle Common Room (MCR) is the hub of postgraduate student life in the College and provides many opportunities and events to enrich your student experience at Durham.  Levy payments allow us to organise a wide range of activities including research events, networking opportunities, excursions and other socials.  You have the right to opt out of this charge if you do not wish to be an ordinary member of the MCR.  Students who opt out are still able to use College facilities such as the library, however they will be charged a higher price for certain events and opportunities.  Paying the levy also enables students to apply for funding through the MCR Research Awards, to use the MCR Common Room (a social space in the centre of Durham) in the Hatfield Cottage, and to join clubs and societies in College.  We appreciate your support in paying the MCR levy! 

If you have any queries about the levy, or if you are a visiting student or joining us partway through the year, please contact the Hatfield MCR Treasurer (hatfield.mcrtreasurer@durham.ac.uk)


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