Hatfield College JCR Membership 2024

calendarTuesday, 27 August 2024 to Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Hatfield College
Junior Common Room Membership 2024

The Junior Common Room(JCR) is the hub of undergraduate student life in the College and provides many opportunities and events to enrich your student experience at Durham. Paying the JCR levy helps transform the College from being a place to live to being a vibrant community full of opportunity. The levy enables students to participate in a wide range of Hatfield sport, music, drama, volunteering, arts and much more. Membership also offers subsidies on formal meals, and tickets to Hatfield JCR-run events from Hatfield Day to our three JCR Balls throughout the year. This is a one-off payment for the duration of a student's period of study for their undergraduate course. You have the right to opt out of this charge if you do not wish to be a member of the JCR. Students who opt out are still able to use College facilities. However non JCR members may be charged a higher price for JCR events and opportunities, they are ineligible to join JCR Clubs and Societies.


The Hatfield JCR Treasureris happy to discuss any form of payment plan with you regarding the JCR levy or other costs.

Under exceptional circumstances, if a student leaves the University, they may be eligible for a partial refund. For full details, please see the refund policy on our website or reach out to the Treasurer who can be contacted at hatfield.jcrtreasurer@durham.ac.uk 



PLEASE NOTE: If you are eligible for a PART OR FULL HATFIELD BURSARY please select the "WITH BURSARY" membership option.  Select "internal trading" payment method and use the  following details  to complete the payment section without charge:

Finance Contact Name: Hatfield Finance Office Finance
Contract Email Address: hatfield.finance@durham.ac.uk
Cost Centre: Hatfield Bursary
Name of Budget Officer who has approved this amount: Ann MacLarnon 
Email address of Budget Officer who has approved this spend: hatfield.finance@durham.ac.uk


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