St Mary's SCR High Table including talk by Alexandra Cristea 9th January 2024

calendarTuesday, 09 January 2024 to Tuesday, 09 January 2024
St Mary's College
SCR High Table

Please join us at St Mary's for the first SCR High Table of 2024.

We are delighted to announce that the SMCS and SCR are jointly sponsoring an Annual Lecture for the first time. We’ve thought long and hard about topics and have selected Artificial Intelligence as our theme. AI and its impact are currently important and much debated topics, with balancing realization of AI’s potential with the perils of misuse attracting hard debate across the world and in most sectors.

Alexandra Cristea, Professor of Computer Science at Durham,Deputy Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science, Director of Research and Founder of the Artificial Intelligence in Human Systems research group in the Department of Computer Science at Durham University and the University’s Alan Turing Academic Liaison for Durham has agreed to give our lecture. See Her specialisms include web science, learning analytics, user modelling and personalisation, semantic web, and social web, and she is classified within the top 50 researchers in the world in the area of educational computer-based research.

As Learning and Education are the themes that connect us all with Durham, Professor Cristea has chosen the topic: “ AI in Education: progress, opportunities, and risks”.

The SCR are cordially invited to this lecture, to be held in the Kenworthy Room, St Mary’s College, Durham at 8.30 pm on 9th January 2024 in person or via a Web link. The lecture will be preceded by Drinks and Dinner for SCR members and Professor Cristea will join us. Elizabeth Fisher will chair the lecture which we expect to last for 40/45 minutes followed by half an hour of questions and discussions.

Drinks in the SCR from 630pm followed by dinner at 7pm prompt.

Refreshements will be served after dinner in the SCR.

Gowns to be worn.


Leek and potato soup with blue cheese gnocchi (v)


Breast of Chicken with dauphinoise potato, truffled cabbage, tender stem broccolli and fennel roasted cauliflower

Pumpkin Ravioli, torched feta, tender stem brocolli and buttered spinach with a tomato butter sauce (v)


Bramley Apple Pie with creme anglaise

St Mary's SCR High Table including talk by Alexandra Cristea 9th January 2024
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