South College Epiphany Ball

calendarFriday, 28 February 2025 to Friday, 28 February 2025
South College

Join us for our first ever South College Epiphany Ball. Indeed, this will be the first ever in-college ball, observing a classy masquerade theme. This event is black-tie. Included in your ticket price will be a welcome drink, a superb 3-course meal, and access to a photographer, photobooth, tarot card readers, poker, a photobooth, mini golf, clay pigeon shooting, 5 bands, and a DJ


Ham Hock Terrine (alternative option avaliable upon request)


Honest Roast Duck Breast with confit leg bon bon, dauphinoise potato, celeriac puree, tender stem broccoli, and Port sauce


Roasted Cauliflower Steak with caramelised onion bon bon, braised roscoff onion, dauphinoise potato, celeriac puree, tender stem broccoli, and Port Sauce


Biscoff Butterscotch Tart

South College Epiphany Ball
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