John Snow JCR Merchandise Purchase Form

calendarSaturday, 24 September 2022 to Sunday, 02 October 2022
John Snow College
Please use this form to purchase your Gown, Tie/Pin and Freshers' Week Wristband.

Here you can purchase your Gown, Tie/Pin and Freshers' Week Wristband. You will also be able to buy these when you arrive, but purchasing in advance means we will be able to give you these items upon arrival, removing any extra stress for you on move in day!

If you haven't already, you can purchase JCR Membership (Levy) which will entitle you to a discounted gown price, and tie/pin free of charge. For details on how to purchace the levy, please see JCR levy - John Snow College JCR (

You will need to buy a gown regardless of whether you have opted-into or -out of the Levy. Your gown will be used throughout your three-four years at Durham including Matriculation, formals and college dinners.

If you have decided not to purchace the JCR Levy, you will also need to purchase a tie (if you are male or prefer a tie) or pin (if you are female or prefer the broach/pin) as these are required as part of formal wear.

This Freshers' Week wristband will be your ticket for all fresher's week events. There will be a range of events available to take part in throughout the week. You will also receive a freshers' t-shirt included in the price. For details about what these events will be, please keep an eye on @johnsnowjcr on Instagram or the John Snow College Freshers 2022 (Official Group).

John Snow JCR Merchandise Purchase Form