Grey College SCR - Choir Fundraising Concert

calendarThursday, 27 February 2025 to Thursday, 27 February 2025
Grey College
It is Grey SCR's intention to undertake annual fundraising for Grey College student organizations, and as our inaugural event, we will be supporting the Grey College Choir and their summer tour plans.

This June, the 32 members of the largest non-auditioned choir of Durham University will be performing at three separate venues in Paris! The SCR has therefore set itself the goal of raising £80 per member, amounting to £2560 in total.

At 6:30 PM in Fountains Hall, Grey College Choir will perform a selection of songs, hopefully inspiring our generous members and attendees to turn out their pockets in support! We will then move to the SCR around 7 PM to celebrate our students' musical endeavors with a dinner of pizza and wine. The performance is free, and dinner afterwards will be £12.

You can make a donation with your booking but we also welcome donations by cash or bank transfer to:

Grey College SCR

Sort code: 40-19-31

Account number: 51357220

Reference: grey choir tour

Grey College SCR - Choir Fundraising Concert
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